
As much as we love beautiful eyewear at Geoff Steven and Sons the eye examination is the foundation upon which our opticians is built. Our expert optometrists are given the time and equipment to make sure your prescription is accurate and your eyes are healthy.
Why should I have my eye examination at Geoff Steven and Sons Opticians?
1) Time. Whilst 20 minute eye tests may be common place in some opticians we do not believe that is long enough to do a comprehensive eye examination. That is why our eye tests are 45 minutes long which gives our optometrists time to find out about you and your eyecare needs but also, importantly, they can do everything necessary to investigate fully your eye health.
2) Comprehensive. We do not believe in a "basic" eye test so everyone gets the 45 minute appointments. Many of our optometrists have hospital eye department experience so all we have to do is give them the time and the best equipment available to ensure the highest standard of eye care.
3) Equipment. Without the right equipment even the best optometrist in the world cannot operate effectively. That is why we have invested in the latest technology including a ZEISS CIRRUS 5000 (described as a MRI for the eye) which can give us early warning for common ocular conditions such as Glaucoma, Macula Degeneration (AMD) and optic nerve disease. We have also invested in a groundbeaking Optomap which enables us to see up to 82% of your retina (traditional method of retinal imaging, available at many opticians, show around 15% of the retina).
4) Independent Prescribing. Our longstanding resident optometrists, Mark & Christopher Steven, have both taken additional qualifications which mean they are able to privately prescribe ocular medications, if necessary. They can successfully treat conditions such as:
Allergic / Bacterial / Viral Conjunctivitis
Dry Eye
Foreign Body Removal
Eye lash removal (trichiasis)
Herpes Simplex Keratitis (recurring episodes of)
Marginal Keratitis
Corneal abrasion
Anterior Uveitis (recurring episodes of)
This means our patients do not necessarily have to sit for hours in an over-crowded eye casualty. We can see them quickly and get them the treatment they need.
5) Myopia Management. This is a relatively new area of practice in optometry and is a large subject. In short, its aim is to limit how short sighted a child goes when they first start to go myopic using specially designed treatments. It is something we have embraced whole-heartedly at Geoff Steven and Sons as it can make such a difference to people's lives. Learn more...
How much does this outstanding level of eyecare cost?
Private Eye Examination (under 40): £37
Private Eye Examination (over 40): £52
NHS Eye Examination: £40 (see eligbility)
U16 NHS Eye Examination: Free
Contact Lens Check & Eye Examination: £132 (or £11/month on our contact lens care scheme) which gives you a full years cover from the date of your appointment for all eye/contact lens related problems (i.e. no additional cost for any emergency/follow up appointments etc that may be required throughout the year).
Emergency Appointment (eg red eye/flashes and floaters in vision): £30 if dilation not required.